Performance Chemicals |
Textiles Performance Chemicals |
Most of the UAL Products in the TPC range are differentiated and meet supplier’s restrictive substance lists, textile chemicals for organic cotton and globally accepted standards. |
Leather |
In order to overcome the hazards caused by the tannery effluents, use of enzymes as a viable alternative has been resorted to in pre-tanning operations such as soaking, dehairing, bating, degreasing and offal treatment.
UAL offer enzymes with excellent specificity in soaking and rehydration, feaces/dirt removal, dehairing/unhairing, softening, bating, retanning and even in the treatment of wet blue shavings and trimmings are now readily available. Lipases and proteases are particularly important in the leather industry. Lipases are used for degreasing and unhairing. |
- Bating enzyme
- De- hairing enzyme
- De-greasing enzyme
- Soaking enzyme
- Merlyn Eco TAN
- Wet End chemicals
Paper & Tissues |
Paper is made from cellulose fibres, which must be separated from a tough wood fibre lignin. UAL offer enzyme based formulations in the step by step process used to separate cellulose from lignin and other wood components .UAL products find applications in the manufacture of tissue and Paper cover manufacturers of products associated with: Facial tissue, Paper handkerchiefs, Napkins, Bathroom/toilet tissues, Diapers, Absorbent towels, sanitary products.
- Bleaching enzyme
- De-inking enzyme
- Refining enzyme
- Wet process chemicals
- Surface treatment/Coating Chemicals